Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hurricane's a-coming...

As weird as it is, I feel slightly less homesick knowing there's a huge hurricane on the way. One of the things I missed about Texas was the dramatic weather--all we got in Vermont was the occasional blizzard. Work: boring but not bad: I've actually met my monthly goal for referrals for the first time ever, and it's only the 21st. Yay! All my wood is marked up and ready to cut, I just need saw instruction and, apparently, sawhorses.


Benjamin said...

Yep. Here's the exciting weather you requested. Thanks Mara!

I've heard that 50 to 74 mph winds are expected. Authorities are advising people to have potable water, batteries, candles, etc., in case the power goes out (which it likely will).

I've already brought in all my loose outdoor items and I'm planning an expedition to the market tomorrow for supplies.

Batten down the hatches!

Mara said...
